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Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher

After Cyclone Freddy, investment brings hope to rural Malawi

Rural Malawians are still rebuilding and coming to terms with Freddy’s impacts. But thanks to much-needed investments in small-scale farming, hope is finally starting to appear on the horizon.

Asset Publisher

Regenerative agriculture: from soil to sustainability – Episode 58

Hear from global leaders in regenerative agriculture – and learn how IFAD is leveraging their techniques to combat climate change in rural communities.

4 ways IFAD is using AI to transform rural development

Artificial Intelligence is not just a buzzword for IFAD – it is a powerful new technology that delivers better development results and increases impact.



IFAD13: A new day is possible

IFAD13: A new day is possible. Now is the time to invest in a resilient future.

IFAD’s response to the war in Ukraine

Conflict and food insecurity go hand-in-hand. As a major food and commodities exporting region, the war in Ukraine has caused not only a humanitarian crisis, but is also increasing food and fuel prices, which in turn are impacting the world’s most vulnerable people.

Climate and environment

Smallholder farmers and poor rural people bear the brunt of climate change and the degradation of natural resources. Extreme weather events, such as droughts, storms and floods, are putting pressure on the ecosystems that farmers depend on.

IFAD and the SDGs

The 2030 Agenda is a commitment to “leave no one behind”. It applies to all countries and spans social, environmental and economic issues. This commitment is most salient in rural areas as shocks, such as climate change and the COVID crisis, disproportionately affect rural communities.

COVID-19 response

The outbreak of COVID-19 has rapidly spread across the world, profoundly disrupting the fundamental activities that bring the global community together, including agriculture – and endangering all those who depend on it as their livelihood.

About us

About us

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in rural areas of developing countries. 

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