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Recipes for Change: Te Mai Ae Tanna Kiribati

August 2019
Breadfruit is one of the main staple foods of Kiribati. Breadfruit trees require a tropical climate to thrive and are therefore plentiful in the Pacific region. Breadfruit is a good source of vitamin C, thiamine and potassium for the local population.

Recipes for Change: Ema datshi and millet momos

July 2019
Try the Recipe at home: Ema datshi and millet momos - Bhutan

Young smallholder farmers overcoming climate challenges in Viet Nam

July 2019
Climate change is one of the major dynamics of change affecting rural youth livelihoods. It is having significant effects on the countries in which the rural youth population is concentrated and on the sectors in which they will be looking for employment opportunities. 
