

Search Results

11 FEB

Mali’s President calls for solidarity as food crisis escalates across Sahel

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian
11 FEB

Sahel Crisis leaves millions on the brink of hunger

Languages: Arabic, English, French
27 NOV

Rural finance in Sierra Leone strengthened by IFAD projects – new report

Languages: English
18 NOV

Sierra Leone and IFAD to strengthen partnerships, agricultural value chains and rural finance

Languages: English
21 OCT

New project launched to help Chadian farmers adapt to climate change and boost the agriculture sector

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
16 SEP

IFAD and Senegal invest in decent jobs and incomes for poor and marginalized rural young people

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French


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Asset Publisher

Alberto Trillo Barca

Communication Officer, Global Media

[email protected]

Caroline Chaumont

Communication and Media Outreach Officer

[email protected]