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Coming back home: The road ahead for migrant returnees in Nepal

June 2020 - BLOG

Migrants are essential workers; they contribute to the economy of the places they go and, through remittances, to their communities back home.

Long-term development supports quick action in a crisis: an update from Asia and the Pacific

May 2020 - BLOG
It has been really inspiring to receive updates from the field over the past two months illustrating how IFAD-supported projects are continuing to deliver. 

IFAD helps shape Bangladesh’s response to the coronavirus crisis in rural areas

April 2020 - BLOG

An IFAD team in Bangladesh provided a proposal to the Government for a certified safe transport and logistics system for movement of inputs and produce in rural areas.

Driving AgriTech adoption: Insights from Southeast Asia’s farmers

April 2020 - BLOG
By leveraging the tools that internet marketing companies have already honed to reach consumers, governments can deliver quality agronomy advice at scale.

Interview with Recipes for Change Chef Robert Oliver

February 2020 - BLOG

I have always loved food - how it brings people together, the smells and flavours of new cultures. I guess I associate food most with gathering, communion.

Interview with Recipes for Change Chef Lance Seeto

November 2019 - BLOG
In addition to climate change, the Pacific Island communities are succumbing to modern diseases caused by a change of diet and lifestyle.
